inTerra Innovation, Inc. (“inTerra”) is a national specialty contractor and construction materials provider focused on innovative solutions for the design, manufacture, delivery and installation of products within the power, renewable energy, utility, geo-technical and public infrastructure industries. inTerra’s meticulous engineered approach, innovative technique and methodical execution is your solution.
To continually cultivate a well-balanced synergy between innovative construction materials engineering and seasoned operational management, providing quality, cost-effective solutions for the design, manufacture and delivery of specialty construction products to a diverse customer base, nationwide.
Our team combines an extensive background in geotechnical and construction materials engineering with seasoned, hands-on operational management that has contributed to a diverse portfolio of successful projects across the United States and in Singapore. Our team develops products, delivery systems and solutions for construction projects from concept through production, nationwide.
inTerra recognizes that there is typically more than one solution to any objective. Our versatility and open mindedness to utilize the most updated industry technologies allows for our team to devise the most cost effective, innovative solutions tailored to our customer’s expectations and project requirements. We bridge the gap between the traditional material supplier and the site specific needs of the contractor with an engineered approach, innovative technique and methodical execution.
inTerra embraces the opportunity to rethink the path to success, tailoring our innovations to our customer’s budget and requirements. We are seasoned at developing site specific, engineered solutions on-the-fly, anticipating the many curve balls that construction sites inevitably throw. Our operations team is expert at executing engineered innovative solutions.
Electric Transmission & Distribution • Fiber Optic • Water • Gas • Steam
Horizontal Directional Drills • Microtunnels • Jack & Bores
Renewable Energy
Off-Shore Wind • On-Shore Wind • Solar Farms • Geothermal
Bridges • Highways • Airports • Railroads
Remote Location
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